Computer Science and Software Engineering

Sprint1: Build a Lab Notebook

Install Tools. Design lab notebook. Learn GitHub Pages. Work with your pair (Ian Manangan).

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
0 - First Three Days Reflection
1 - Calculator MD
- Week 1 Reflection
- Calculator IPYNB
2 - Game of Life
- Snake Game
- Week 2 Reflection
3 - JS Output w/ jquery
- Week 3 Reflection

Sprint2: Learn Language

Learn (JavaScript|Python|Java). Start Agile development process.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
4 - Calculator HTML
- GPA Calculator
- GPA Calculator Instructions
- JS Output w/ Objects
- Week 4 Plan
- Week 4 Reflection
5 - Animation Output
- Animation Plan
- Animation Reflection
6 - Plan for Web Programming Basics
- Web Programming Basics
- Web Programming & Sprint2 Reflection

Sprint3: Building a Web Application with GitHub Pages for N@tM

Get ready for Night At the Museum!

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
8 - Game Plan
- Initial Reflection for Game
9 - Testing Main Menu (Simple)
- Matthew's Plan for CodeClimbers
12 - Computer Science Reflection

Sprint4: OOP Programming Fundamentals

Students, in pairs, will work on converting Mario game to OOP. There will be a series of Tech Talks to support this activity.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
13 - OOP, CSSE mini project
- Plan to a New Trimester!
- Changes in the First Week
- Mario OOP Overview
14 - Mario Player with Hills Background
- Mario Hills Background
- Mario on Platform
- Dynamic Game Levels
- Week 2 Start-Up and Outcome
- GameLevels Lesson / Homework Previews (Draft)
15 - Enemy Lesson
- Revised Animation Lesson
- Week 1-2 Cleanup
- Platforms Lesson
- The Start of a Journey

Sprint5: Research, Teaching and Game Innovation

Algorithmic "Student Team" will have a teaching assignment, the Teacher of Student requests will be providing topics (Local Storage, Pixel art, Phaser.js, RAWG apis). During Teach weeks teams will research a topic, form a final project "game" plan.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
16 - Music Testing
- Parallax Lesson
- Warm-up of our Lesson
- Local Storage Lesson
17 - Leaderboard Lesson
- Week 17 Log

Sprint6: Create a Final Project and N@tM

Trimester 2 concludes with student presenting their CPT project at N@tM. Each person within "Student Teams" will have their own specialty within the student project that satisfied all their Create Performance Task requirements. Student should be able to talk about design, coding, and present features of their portion of the system.

Week Code, Code, Code Tools and DevOps Collaboration
18 - Midterms Log
19 - Multiplayer Opening Week
- Multiplayer Progress
20 - CSSE Game Levels Reflection
- Week 20 Note
- Night At the Museum Reflection
- Platformer Game v2.0
- Resources for Final Review