
  • Computer Science Reflection

  • Testing Main Menu (Simple)

  • Matthew's Plan for CodeClimbers

  • Initial Reflection for Game

  • Game Plan

  • Web Programming & Sprint2 Reflection

  • Plan for Web Programming Basics

  • Animation Reflection

  • Animation Plan

  • Animation Output

  • GPA Calculator

  • Week 4 Reflection

  • Calculator HTML

  • Calculator HTML

  • GPA Calculator Instructions

  • JS Output w/ Objects

  • Week 4 Plan

  • Week 3 Reflection

  • Minesweeper

  • Minesweeper

  • Testing

  • JS Output w/ jquery

  • Week 3 Plan

  • Week 2 Reflection

  • Snake Game

  • Calculator MD

  • Calculator IPYNB

  • Game of Life

  • Week 2 Plan

  • Web Programming Basics

  • Week 1 Reflection

  • Sample of Detail Plan

  • Sample Review Ticket

  • Sample IPYNB w/ html,img

  • First Three Days Reflection

  • Sample IPYNB w/ table,code

  • Sample Tool Procedure ...

  • Sample Daily Plan