Hello and welcome to my new website, “Student2.0”!

  • In this blog, I will learn about how to modify games such as Mario, further learn how to work in groups, research, teach others, and lastly make a CPT Project!
  • My first group will be with my Trimester 1 partner, Ian Manangan and Trystan Schmits (a code wizard from T1 CSSE P4).

Plan for Week 13 (Week 1 in Trimester 2)

  • I will first make new two repositories: Group repository (Trystan will make this one) Personal repository (this one!)
  • Secondly, I will some modifications to the overall website (i.e. theme, blog, etc.)
  • Listen to the tech talks that Mr. Mortensen (my new teacher).

Overall, I am going to adjust to this new format as this is the start of a new trimester!