
At the starting of the second week, I already fell behind trying to figure out the code of the first week. At the time of writing this (12/6), I was able to finish first week’s work. However, I had to delay myself a few days until finally figuring the theme, website, and more out.


I wasn’t able to finish the homework on time. There was a lot on my mind. Physics tests, piano recital, SAT and of course CompSci. I feel like I’m progressing really slow compared to everyone else. I’m with Trystan though since he’s a code wizard. Though, I hope I’m not hindering him since I am in his group. If anyone reads this, I’m just using this as a self-reflection for myself in order to improve my coding skills. I will hopefully be better on with coding in the future especially when I start my CPT project. For now, this is Matthew figuring out my coding journey (12/6)