
So I’m behind since I haven’t updated my repo to be like the group one. I need to implement the mario game into the frontpage ASAP. I will be working on this all night. For now, here’s my checklist and status:

  • Complete all the reflections and warm-ups of each week (Weeks 13-15)
  • Get back all of the files that are essential to the Mario Game
  • Implement the game to the personal repo (student2.0)


  • Implement the Goomba into the personal repo (and group repo)
  • Mess around with the Goomba
  • IMPORTANT: Help Trystan and Ian with the LocalStorage lesson

Estimated Time: 5 Hours

  • Wish me luck! Matthew (12/6)
  • Update: 9:18 PM (12/6) I cleaned-up the files! Woooo. Time for the goomba >:)